Thursday, April 22, 2010


Guns-of-the-Helghast is one of the largest (if not THE largest) Helghast clans on Playstation Home. With over 70 active members and many more in reserves Guns-of-the-Helghast is more than capable of sending the message that the Helghast aren’t quitting any time soon to the users of Playstation Network.

Our clan strives to provide both it's members and anyone else with a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, while making sure to keep professional standards for all our members. Our members are always polite and respectful and look upon each member of the clan like family. Clan members are divided into ranks to help organize responsibilities and leadership, and the whole clan operates as smoothly as the Helghast army itself.

We have many activities and clan gatherings on a frequent basis, and have most of our activites assigned to different days of the week. Every Wednesday at 7pm sharp (eastern time) our Officers gather together to make decisions that will make the clan even better, and at 8pm (eastern time) on Fridays many of the members will gather at predecided locations at Playstation Home and "Invade" the chosen space. Most of our members highly enjoy role-playing as their chosen characters and will happily engage in converstation with others as a Helghast soldier (complete with Helghast voice). Our members are also well versed in many things Killzone from the weaponry of the different games to the official timeline and history of the Killzone universe.

On Thursdays starting at 8pm (also eastern time) the Clan has it's weekly Killzone 2 game nights in which we will engage against either elite bots or against fellow members in a frag fest to remember. We will soon be adding Killzone Liberation game nights to our list of activities so that all of our PSP gamer members can join in on the action and excitement that the Killzone universe has to offer.

Our clan has been around since the Helghast Tactician uniform has been available on Playstation Home and we have participated in many activities including the Helghast vs Hamsters and Helghast vs the Homelings clan wars to the official launch of the Testers in the Playstation Home movie theatre. We are growing at a tremendous rate and everyday we gain new members to our group. If you wish to join the Guns-of-the-Helghast clan simply message me on Playstation Network. My PSN Name is Gaarateness.

In this movie the Guns-of-the-Helghast clan takes on the Hamsters on Playstation Home. The goal is simple: Whoever has the most members present is the victor. Clearly these Vektan rodents didn't know who they were messing with because at the end of the battle the Helghast outnumbered Hamsters by more than a 6 to 1 ratio. I'd say...KILLZOWNED!
P.S. Make sure to pause the playlist before playing the movie .


This picture was taken when a a small group of Guns-of-the-Helghast members "Invaded" the Playstation Home theatre featuring the Tester premier in the name of the Helghast Empire. We had a good reaction from all of the other people in the theatre and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Hail Visari!


This picture is of one of our Friday gatherings. We had a blast conquering the Resistance 2 space for the Helghast Empire and got a large crowd reaction considering that we gathered in one of the area's back corners.

You can also watch our Youtube videos and see the true awesomeness that is the Guns-of-the-Helghast Playstation Home clan here:
Guns-of-the-Helghast Youtube account:
Guns-of-the-Helghast Ironstarmovement:

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